Coach, mentor, consultant, business leader, and guide.
I have been in and around the business world for 30 years. All of my education, experience, and what I call rough wisdom, comes to bear in my coaching.
My business experience brings together my approach with a business awareness that includes hands on experience in running, managing and consulting to numerous businesses and organizations. I have an MBA from Vanderbilt University, and am the former CEO and COO of the business coaching company EMyth. All business comes down to trying to understand the human condition… that is, all business is rooted in domains that are much bigger than business.
Other streams of my life have found me as an outdoor educator, a hospice volunteer, emotional growth facilitator, a ski patroller, and a yoga instructor. I am also a father and a seeker; all of which have given me an expanded experience of our interconnectedness and the beauty, stillness, love, and opportunity therein. Everything in your business is connected. Everything in you affects your team, your role and your business.
I don't ask my clients to do anything I haven't done or gone through myself; the greatest transformation comes from small changes, sustained over time.
The only way to change your business is to change how you relate to your business.
My business coaching is designed for frustrated business owners and executives that realize they can’t continue to do the same thing and expect different results. They realize that the only way to change their business is to change how they relate to their business — and that means asking better, deeper, and more foundational questions.
My business coaching is based on my two and a half decades in the business world working with and leading teams and individuals. I am the former COO and CEO of the business coaching company EMyth, and was previously certified as an EMyth Business Coach.
And, as with any business coaching, the program is important, as is your resonance with your coach. For more about my approach see further down on this page.

“Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.”